deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

26 August 2005

weekend agenda

required listening:

it's true, i still love listening to us.

[confidential to stv: let's overdub stock sounds of crowd booing at the end of the show.]

yo i polished off that 2 week anesthesia rotation like a sweet ass (whut?!). on monday, i begin the 4 week climb. after that, i have a week off, and then i'm off to NYC to stay with tamz n' bard for a glorious 7 weeks as i wreck their place and ruin my hopes of earning a NY residency position. but i will take lots of pictures.

priorities for this weekend: haircut. finish personal statement. not necessarily, but more than likely in that order.

upsetting that i will be gone for the following:
Saturday, October 1 - Tha 446 at Slipper Club, Madison WI
Thursday, October 13 - Tha 446 (w/ U.S.E.) at Schubas, Chicago IL
Saturday, October 15 - May Or May Not (w/ Head Of Femur) at Club 770, Madison WI

just because i won't be there doesn't mean you won't.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 6:03 PM |

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who dis be like
where you from   nerds: <a>, <b>, <i>


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