deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

08 August 2005

nerds hate tha 446

new photos on flickr

for the first time in HISTORY (that i have noted), tha 446 received a small chorus of boo's along with the majority of cheers. not EVERYONE was booing. but enough that i could hear it. there continues to be dispute if it even occurred, though i doubt i imagined it. the proof will be revealed on our live album.

we put a lot of work into preparing this show. three different banners were painted, bling was given out to all performers, and a point was made to really step up the stage presence, since we all felt we were a bit outperformed by the GLC when they ran the stage at the abbey.

and we fucking destroyed it. of course there were the usual missed cues and forgotten lyrics, but fourth coast took it to a new level with the onstage antics, including MC FETUS, a "fight" between puss e. beats and tha 446, gas cans being passed around, and all around dancing.

guess we lost the nerd/fanboy demographic that night.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 7:25 PM |

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greatest flikr file ever.

except that one photo

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 10 August, 2005 21:02 [*]  


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