deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

12 March 2006

why u wanna treat me so bad?

1. listening to leaked tracks off of prince's new album makes me listen to hott tracks off of prince's old albums.

2. tomorrow will be DAY ONE of match week. tomorrow i find out IF i matched. i can get a variety of messages, anything from "sorry you didn't match" to "congratulations you matched". in between are the messages that say various things like "congratulations, you have matched at an advanced position but not a preliminary position" or "i'm sorry, you're ugly". the excitement begins tomorrow at 11:00am CST.

3. and so begins the process of inventorying and selling or throwing out many of my accumulated possessions over the years. books will be returned to their rightful owners (namely, my sister), schoolbooks are being sold (almost half of them are gone so far, thank god), old class notes and such will be thrown out, furniture including my dresser, bed, coffee table, desk(s), bookcases (yes, even yours charles) will be given away (to ben) or donated to goodwill or curbed if i'm too lazy, there will be a massive wardrobe purge wherein i will rid the closet of many old thrift-store t-shirts and the like which haven't been worn in ages ((and hang on to the keepers, of course) said purge will also include my embarassingly large collection of shoes and outerwear), assorted sundry items such as a vacuum cleaner and ironing board which will be surveyed for value and more than likely abandoned in front of st. vinny's, and then a thorough reexamination of my electronics, among those on the chopping block: my 19-inch tv/vcr combo i've had since freshman year, several stereo speakers, and a marschall jcm 900 head with matching slanted 4 x 12 cab (how much does that go for these days, anyway?). serious consideration is also being given to selling off the 5 channel sony receiver which will have no aforementioned speakers to power.

4. hopefully this means i will be moving with only the clothing and footwear i wear on a regular rotation, books that i truly own that i MUST keep with me or haven't finished reading yet, the small family of CD binders which follow me from apartment to apartment, assorted cookware, glasses, and plates, the extended family of computer equipment and home recording setup which has been pieced together over the years, my two guitars, and my cell phone charger.

5. speaking of cell phones, this piece of shit phone with piece of shit service will be over and done with by the time of the move, i hope. my contract expires the day before graduation, and i have zero intentions to renew it. i hear verizon offers nice service. anything but sprint, frankly.

6. and the car. the car will be sold as well. to help fund the move.

7. and finally, my current rotation is general surgery at a local hospital which will remain anonymous and it is a terribly organized, complete waste of time. there are maybe 3 or 4 ORs with general surgery cases going on at any given time. this means, at most, there will need to be 4 people covering those rooms to assist with surgery. the general surgery team (currently) consists of a third year plastics resident, 2 anesthesiology interns, 1 urology intern, and 3 surgery PAs. so, MORE than enough to cover those 3-4 rooms. and also there are 2 of us fourth-year, nearly post-match students. as you can see, there is a whole lot of necessity for us to even be on the team, let alone motivation for us to do, well, ANYTHING. the cases i've been on, i've been treated like a mentally retarded farm animal that doesn't understand english. AWESOME. usually what happens is we show up at the cafeteria by 7am, receive a 30-40 minute "lecture" on a topic by whoever is the designated lecturer that morning while we eat our breakfast which is fully comped by meal cards (twice last week we learned about appendicitis), look over the cases, realize that there isn't anything to really do, and then go home. i'm totally serious. after being first assistant for two pilonidal cyst removals (which means, doing just barely more than nothing), the novelty died and i went home.

8. charles's (charles'? charleses? charlese? charlize?) lists are always much more fun than mine. YOU WIN AGAIN, drat

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 9:15 PM |

« back to the crib | trying to make myself pass out » //-->

You know, its true, my lists are more fun.
Oh, and dude, are you getting rid of my Lichtenstein posters?
And the book shelf???? That has gone through two generations of Ubaghs, if by generations you mean my older brother and myself.
You still have that desk?

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 13 March, 2006 04:26 [*]  


settle down man, the art is coming with me, esp the lichtensteins.

the bookcase is going to my sister who will take care of it and asked for it specifically.

and yes, i still have that desk, which at this point stores endless amounts of school-related and junk-mail-related clutter on its surface, and all kinds of [*]-related clutter in the little cubby hole/drawer thing on the side.

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 13 March, 2006 06:53 [*]  


Well, then your sister can now be an honorary Ubaghs.
Tell her welcome to the family.
And glad to see the bookcase can come to good use.

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 13 March, 2006 08:19 [*]  


Hey Jzn what size shoe you wear?

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 13 March, 2006 10:46 [*]  


jag-c, are you SIZING ME UP?

i wear a size 10 or 10.5

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 13 March, 2006 10:49 [*]  


yeah, unfortunately I am a lowly size 8.5. Fate is a vicious beast which cannot be tamed, only ridden.

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 13 March, 2006 13:32 [*]  


drop some science:

who dis be like
where you from   nerds: <a>, <b>, <i>


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