deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

24 January 2006

back in action/madison

currently i'm taking this independent reading course on international health. it's 2 weeks long, counts for 2 credits, and requires 0 hours of class time and a purported 40-50 hours of self-directed learning and reading. sounds like a vacation right? what you do is you call up the course director (because they won't contact you) and tell them you're taking the course, then you come in and pick up a stack of books and a multiple choice exam, and turn the whole mess in 2 weeks later.

that's what's supposed to happen.

the course was slated to start yesterday. i spoke with the course director's assistant (because the director herself sounded on the verge of severe illness) and they said they have no books currently, because the last crop of kids hasn't turned their books in yet. so i'm on a waiting list. for course materials. ridiculous! they say they have "absolutely no control" over when the students turn the books in. so they said it's possible it could take a day to a few weeks. A FEW WEEKS! i'll be full-fledged into another rotation if that happens.

they don't really care when you turn this shit in, so the lady said that i could pick these up in february and turn it all in in march, that's okay. but i was hoping to throttle through this shit quickly before my "real" rotations start so i won't have to even think about it later.

ugh. i'm just upset because someone got to the washers and dryers before i did this morning, so i've been waiting.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 11:16 AM |

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