deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

05 September 2005

and we're off

i just confirmed and submitted my online application and fired off apps to about a million places. anesthesia being an "advanced" program, i also have the pleasure of applying for a transitional year. although, since radiology, dermatology, ophtomology, and other anesthesia applciants are also vying for TYs (in my cities of choice: chicago and NYC), and they are all much smarter than me, i've also applied for several preliminary medicine years (in the same aforementioned cities).

as far as the actual anesthesia programs go, i've applied far and wide- chicago, new york, boston, seattle, OHSU (ahem liz), and some spots in california that will never give me a shot in hell.

anyway. first step done. gonna have some docs proofread my personal statement. i've got two letters of recommendation set up. one's in, one i'm not sure if it's in. need to pick out some anesthesia staff to write me some letters. need to go to bed because the resident i'm working with wants me in at 6am tomorrow. for a 7:30am start. i don't get it either.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 10:12 PM |

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gonna have some docs proofread my personal statement. - what about ME?

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 11 September, 2005 11:52 [*]  


gonna have some docs proofread my personal statement. - what about ME?

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 11 September, 2005 11:53 [*]  


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