deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

27 April 2005

i wish there were 30 hours in a day and 3 days in a weekend.

i started surgery this week. right now i'm on ortho, which i've been told and now have seen firsthand is easier than the general service. and my body is still paying for it. i'm in at 6am at the earliest, home at 4 or 5pm. not too bad, can't complain, but my body feels run down and my brain has already checked out. soon will begin the hours of 5am-7pm. i should cherish these days while they last.

so, i have, like, NOTHING, to bulk up my CV with. i didn't participate in very many (read: none) extracurricular activities the first 2 years of medical school because i was more interested in making music with my friends and living like i wasn't a medical student. and now i have to start thinking about my application for residency, and i don't have much to show for it except my grades and board scores, which are not going to be winning me a spot in AOA anytime soon. not that AOA is necessary, but i am seriously going to have only like a half-page long CV. i should use an 18pt font, maybe comic sans, that's not played out.

this is slowly but surely becoming a source of great anxiety for me.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 10:21 PM |

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comic sans is guaranteed to get you a job anywhere. go for it!!

dropped by Blogger plastic passion on 28 April, 2005 09:26 [*]  


I put things like writing music reviews & playing in bands on my CV (yep, I even mentioned Tha 446). I'm pretty sure it helped. 4 out of 5 of our classmates did inconsequential research on irrelevant bull, so it wont distinguish them. You however can claim to be the sickest MC in the midwest's biggest pirate themed joke rap group. Eh, eh?

dropped by Blogger The Metaphysician on 02 May, 2005 00:52 [*]  


dan: seriously? i can put tha 446 on my CV for residency? incredible. were you ever asked about that sort of stuff in interviews? i would have a lot to say on the topic.

maybe i should include participation in the production duo, THE SPECIAL OLYMPXXX!

i bet i should also add that i was in "the perfect score," that was a big hit with the SAT generation

dropped by Blogger dr. j on 02 May, 2005 06:49 [*]  


Musical endeavors definitely have a place on a residency CV. I only got into the details behind Tha 446 at two interviews, but one of those was at my first choice, where I matched. Most of the time I spoke more generally about my music experience & the writing I've done for twenty/forty, etc.

Most programs where you'll actually want to spend three years working will be looking for well-rounded applicants & will thus be quite pleased to see your breadth of experience.

dropped by Blogger The Metaphysician on 03 May, 2005 18:28 [*]  


drop some science:

who dis be like
where you from   nerds: <a>, <b>, <i>


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