deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

23 April 2005

screwed and chopped

yes, i realize that it's been a grip since i've posted (nobody talks like that anymore, do they).

i took the final exam and practical for primary care on thursday and friday. last night i went out and oh the hammer did fall. today has speen bent in a haze of recovery. and now mtv jams is playing a special "screwed and chopped" edition, hosted by mike jones. even the commentary between songs is screwed and chopped. surriously. they played the obvious cuts like "still tippin" and "game over", but then they played scarface's "smile", and let it heretofore be understood that 2pac's voice and cadence slowed down sounds a LOT like biggie's does normally. the ironies of this game, i tell you.

today i tried to make a day out of party in the park. it didn't work; mother nature was not for it. it felt like it was 30 degrees and windy as fuck by the lake. it was miserable just standing there. but i did get to see some ska band from milwaukee which had a trumpet and trombone horn section, and this prog-math-fucking-champs band called czarbles, which my friend omar has recommended that i go see on more than one occasion, and holy hell, they ruled. it was a freakout. they're local, and i will definitely try to see them again. right now i think ..trail of dead is playing the main stage and i couldn't care less - it's so damn cold i can't imagine standing around outside like that.

when did best buy get all over victory records' shit? it seems like every commercial break that there's an ad for the new atreyu or silverstein or some other screamo band's new album for only $9.99. or its that jamster shit with the irritatingly enjoyable ringtones or the images of generic swimsuit models from the early 90's, with names like "Sexy Jessica" or "Hot Kelly" or something of that nature. the best commercial i can remember is the one for wear it again clothing where that blonde middle aged woman is fucking jamming out to the soundtrack in the middle of the store.

ha! the bravery are on mtv! a wise man once tagged them "like duran duran, only waaay gay".

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 8:14 PM |

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