deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

15 April 2005

battered but not beaten

see the entire photoset over at flickr. go nuts, watch it in slideshow mode (i just did).

the first photo is controller.controller, who totally rocked the opening slot, and the crowd was very enthused (unlike, say, the crowd for q and not u at the rave). their diminuitive lead singer ended up joining us common folk on the dancefloor during their last song and delivered her vocals from the center of a sweaty milwaukee hipster abyss.

the girl in the bra tore her shirt off after the supposed last song, trying to work up the crowd to convince DFA1979 to play one more song. the drummer then poured his bottled water on her chest. she was thrilled. then they played one more song. earlier in the show she flashed him, and he said something along the lines of "i was just going to say, do some situps or something", to which the bass player simply replied "oh... dude." i laughed.

towards the bottom is a shot of myself and my milwaukee roommate, efrat. the 1979 tattoo is on the drummer's forearm. the wound is on my forearm.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 6:06 PM |

« back to the crib | holy shit » //-->

did you and efrat have sex in that picture?

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 16 April, 2005 11:54 [*]  


listen up, this is a family blog. let's keep it PG. and no, that would have been adulterous and infidelitous.

dropped by Blogger dr. j on 16 April, 2005 12:20 [*]  


Jzn, I can tell from that picture that you have a Class I airway. Nice.

dropped by Blogger The Metaphysician on 16 April, 2005 16:07 [*]  


By Mallampati's classification scheme of course.

P.S.: For a second I thought I saw a Manplanet sign in those pics

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 16 April, 2005 19:09 [*]  


drop some science:

who dis be like
where you from   nerds: <a>, <b>, <i>


 © the life and times of ohiosnap 2005 - chopped and screwed by the life and times of ohiosnap, stolen from these guys. powered by these guys.