deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

02 November 2004

OMG today is the day

i've been real busy. i'm on call today, i have to make time to vote, and i have a final exam on friday. and i'm just stressed out overall about my rotation.



it is sooo important. the media is predicting record voter turnout this year, especially among our generation. i credit this to massive dissatisfaction with the current administration - those that were once complacent are now enraged.

all throughout the campaign trail, i've been biting my nails and freaking out and living and dying with the turn of the tide on, as have many others. and i have bemoaned the fact that the election is even close (there's THAT many people that can't think for themselves in this country?), and complained that no poll has ever asked me or any of my peers' opinions... WELL.


a new poll of 18-29 year olds that only have a cell phone (and no landline) has been released, and that voter bloc chooses Kerry, 55-40. THAT's what i'm talkin' bout. i knew our generation wouldn't fall for that shit. now, as long as the talk of record turnout holds true, and our generation floods the polls ... frankly, this is no 50-50 race. it only looks that way when your polling base is 70% republican to begin with (*ahem* gallup polls). Kerry will bury Bush.


tamar mentioned this weekend "what if... on tuesday.."

we couldn't even stand to hear the question. it makes me sick to my stomach.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 6:55 AM |

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