deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

16 October 2004

it's freezing in here, mr. bigglesworth

i took amy's dog out for a walk this morning and sweet lord my buns were freezing. in my early morning stupor (stupid), i went out in only a zippered hoody, jeans, and untied sneakers without socks. my super-permeable-to-the-elements outfit, paired with the 20mph winds whipping across brittingham park made for a thoroughly chilling walk.

i came back inside wide awake, but now i'm getting sleepy again. it's probably hypothermia.

and, just to keep everyone GLUED to the screen, here's my plan for the day:

1. post office. probably should go pretty soon. i think the u-square one closes at ten. i need to send back a hard drive which DOES NOT MOUNT. actually, it did mount the first time, long enough for me to copy a couple gigs of music over. then it never mounted again, and i was forced to bite the bullet and reformat. and of course it still won't mount after that. so, GOODBYE MUSIC, and HELLO 15% RESTOCKING FEE.


2. study. sucks when your girlfriend works the weekend that you have off. so i guess i'll "take advantage of the time" and "be efficient" and "study". study study study study study study.

3. lunch with amy? pending her work schedule.

4. watch the badgers try to go 6-0 today against purdue. more than likely this will take place while i am pretending to do #2. it may be cut short for #5.

5. michael moore at the terrace (really? it's going to be freezing. i bet.) tonight at 8:30pm. the plan's to get there by 7, to assure a good view amongst the faithful.

6. watch and re-watch the mpg clip (wmv file) of jon stewart calling out the crank yankers on crossfire, as well as the rest of the media. you can thank MBIMIBIMOTOMOOG for those choice links.

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