deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

23 May 2006

slow times in wisconsin

expect the blog posts to be a bit skimpy for the next few weeks.

back in madison for a spell, blogging (brogging) from electric earth. since i've cancelled cable and internet in my apartment, i've had to hit up internet cafes for free wifi (fuck a t-mobile hotspot, did you know them shits cost like $6 for 2 hours or something? totes bogues). i'm halfway through a two-day ACLS course which is boring and expensive and mandatory for residency. better to do it now than to do it in late june when i could be having the weekend off to prance around and get mugged in the bronx, that's what i always say.

speaking of the bronx, i received my packet in the mail the other day which tells me about my housing (that was horrible grammar - liz, please fix). looks like i will not be getting lucky and in fact will not be able to move in until july 1, possibly a day or two earlier if i'm lucky. SO. i will need to find a hotel to live in for 2 weeks, since orientation is june 19 and i will be moving out there on the 17th or 18th.

the upside is that my program will reimburse me $99/day for the hotel. the downside is that after cursory examination on orbitz and, the only hotels in NYC that are <$99/day are SHIT-TAY. almost all rooms at that price point involve shared bathrooms. some involve shared rooms. as in, bunk beds (the gershwin has a 4 bunk bed/8person dorm room! wtf!).

my residency will begin while i'm in this hotel (whichever one that may be), so i'd prefer to not share a bathroom or a bedroom, since i'll need to dress up and be professional, iron my clothes, shower daily, all KINDS of hassle in a dorm room. also there is pretty much nothing near my hospital in the bronx (except for one hojo which i found, which is NOT near the hospital NOR a subway line, and that means its NOT doable). almost everything listed on the aforementioned sites are at midtown or lower. there's a few at UWS or harlem, but again, those are hostels/dorms with shared yada yada yada.

so that's the downside. in all likelihood it looks like i'll be coughing up another $20-75/day for my own sanity, on top of the $99/day i'm getting from my program. multiply that by 2 weeks and i'm looking at what could be another grand or so.

also the fact that i need to move twice is a downside. and that everybody will be moving on july 1 will be a fucking nightmare.

so i'm trying to sell the car ASAP to help cushion the blows from moving and hotelling. i've craigslisted it, and i sent out an email to the med student listserve. i received 3 genuinely interested responses, 1 joke from alex, and 1 warning from the dean of students telling me that using the listserve for auto sales is inappropriate and illegal (as in, i could do time? really??).

the moral of the story is that i won't be posting much music for a bit. but who knows, maybe you'll get lucky.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 7:54 PM |

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More toast! More toast! More toast! More Toast!!!...

...wait a minute. I mean more posts! more posts! more posts! more posts!

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 30 May, 2006 04:00 [*]  


You interest me, I am glad to wish you happiness!

Peace and Love.

Dominic Ebacher

dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 09 September, 2006 19:17 [*]  


drop some science:

who dis be like
where you from   nerds: <a>, <b>, <i>


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