deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

26 September 2005

hey chief lets update why not

so i gave this bitch a breather, thought i'd concentrate on some more important things like my future, WELL THATS BORING (and i've gotten a lot of that paperwork done now anyway [thanks for your skillz liz]) and now that i've got a few more minutes to kill maybe i'll stick it out. clearly the four of you that read this are rejoicing.

i've got this week off, which is NOICE. just dropped off an "info-packet" of fun stuff for the anesthesiology chairman, which includes exclusive items such as my CV, personal statement, and transcript! WAOW!

tonight i go to beloit to pick up my suit and a ginormous suitcase, the rest of the week will be spent packing and repacking and doubletriplechecking to make sure i'm not leaving things behind that i will most definitely need like an alarmclock extracontactlenses or shoes. then saturday i leave for NYC!

i don't know where this whole "not-using-the-spacebar" thing came from.

i've been listening to pulp's "we love life" all morning. totally slept on that one.

anyhow. i'll be soooo sure to update this as much as possible during my stay at the hotel tam'bard. maybe i'll take a picture or two as well.

p.s. amy and i went to tutto "butto" pasta (it's been years since i've been) on the square this weekend and i had farfalle al salmone and it was freaking amazing. also the spumoni cheesecake was deeeelish.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 1:08 PM |

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