deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

30 August 2006

picking up where we left off

anyway, let's talk about why this resident i had on call sucked so bad:

  • he made inappropriate jokes. our attending was a young-ish eastern european lady, fairly attractive. just before rounds began (meaning i had been there for a total of 20 minutes or so) i asked this guy if the attending was nice. "she's got a nice ass!" was the reply. seriously. i'm all for stupid jokes but jesus christ its 8am, just tell me if she's gonna bite my head off or not. so i faked a smile and asked again, and got a similar reply about her rack. SERIOUSLY. (turns out she is a nice lady.)

  • later on i asked him a question about patient management. "why, you don't know what to do?" i replied that if i had known, i wouldn't have asked. "wanna know what you do?" he waits a beat (comedic pause) and says "you shit your pants." THANKS A LOT

  • then he asks me "hey who was that super hot chick i saw you with the other day?" first off, i'm thinking, i just met you this morning, how are you remembering who you saw me with and when? anyway, i venture that he probably saw me with jennie. so i reply, "um... probably my girlfriend." "seriously dude? that's your girlfriend? dude, she's SUPER HOT" ok... so this is kinda sorta flattering in a boorish, oafish, frat-boy-retard sort of way (ok, so not at all), but he was being a bit overly excited about the whole thing. he then follows up with "you know what you should do?" (no, please... TELL ME what i should do) "you should break up with your girlfriend so i can hook up with her!" if this guy was one of my good friends, i might chuckle and let him know what a dumbass thing to say that was. this guy is very far from being a favored acquaintaince.

  • he repeated the "break up with your girlfriend so i can hook up with her" bit about 3 or 4 more times.

  • this lumbering oaf then proceeds to stick himself with a needle from a patient. ok ok, honest mistake, whatever. the part about this that makes him so horrible is that he decides at 7:30am that he's going to leave before 8am (when rounds begin) so he can get to occupational health before it opens, so he can get samples of medications which he won't need to take until the next day (since he was already treated for his needlestick in the ER), but he "doesn't want to spend all day waiting in line." the thing is, at 8am, when we round with the team, the 2 on-call people (myself and the blubbering giant) present all 10 patients. usually it's common courtesy to divide them, 5 and 5. and it's only natural that you tend to know the 5 you're presenting better than you know the other person's 5. so when you find out 30 minutes beforehand that you're going to be presenting THE WHOLE FLOOR, it's a bit of an inconvenience. i was being asked questions if this guy had done things or not - not that i had any clue, since he was the senior, he wasn't exactly running things by me (turns out he missed some important lab results and forgot to order some key tests). needless to say, it made for a miserable and stressful morning.

  • that is all. otherwise, that guy was the best resident ever. aside from the qualities and experiences which made him the worst resident ever.

  • i'm going to try to run the philadelphia half marathon on september 17th. 13.1 miles. today i ran 6. i'm going to really need to ramp it up if i'm going to be in shape in time for the run. but i did listen to andrew WK's new album and sweet jeebus is it a great running album.

  • the US open. i definitely need to attend this event next year..

  • fin (end)

    this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 11:26 PM | 5 Comments

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    Just in print that resident dude makes me queasy.

    I tinkered with the idea of visiting New York to see some of the US Open this year. Instead Agassi v. pavel and Roddick v. Pless are the only matches I've caught so far due to traveling in the midwest. But it's way bettr than last year's which I watched from the living room floor because I was flat on my back for like a week.

    Good story huh. I've got more, just ask.

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 31 August, 2006 00:17 [*]  


    ok, i'm asking, more stories please. how does it go in CST?

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 31 August, 2006 00:40 [*]  


    you should go during week 1 of the open. you pretty much get to see everyone you want since they're all still in the tournament. plus, tickets for week 2 are ridic.

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 31 August, 2006 07:58 [*]  


    It goes: hours-of-sleep to nightly-beers-consumed deficit for two lovely nights in Chicago; one day of sitting in the DMV in Madison; one day of cruising into wisco crapids just in time for--nothing, because nothing happens up here.

    I will blog the US Open again. Oh YES I will.

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 31 August, 2006 11:58 [*]  


    It goes: hours-of-sleep to nightly-beers-consumed deficit for two lovely nights in Chicago; one day of sitting in the DMV in Madison; one day of cruising into wisco crapids just in time for--nothing, because nothing happens up here.

    I will blog the US Open again. Oh YES I will.

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 31 August, 2006 11:58 [*]  


    drop some science:

    who dis be like
    where you from   nerds: <a>, <b>, <i>


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