deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

18 July 2006


more bullets

  • working 100 hours a week will not kill you. working 100 hours a week makes you wish that it would kill you.

  • having no furniture in the apartment is kind of tricky. i have one chair. and a bed. i eat on my bed. i read on my bed. sometimes i sit in the chair. makes it difficult to do anything. ikea will be delivering me a lot of cheap furniture soon.

  • intern year, contrary to what they may tell you, has nothing to do with education or learning or anything like that. i ain't learneded shit no how. seriously. no time for reading or learning or anything. just work, work work. my medical student knows a lot of esoteric knowledge which makes me feel stupid. my resident is a superbrain, but thats ok because he's senior. and my co-intern is much smarter than i am, but thats ok because he's categorical. i'm just a knucklehead that's trying to survive so i can go live the good life in anesthesia next year.

  • i've been real lucky with my team. my co-intern, mark, is a real cool guy who definitely knows his way around internal medicine. the med student is a bit goofy at times (goofy like awkward - ok, one of his eyes doesn't point the same way as the other one), but also a chill dude who is totally not a gunner. and my resident is the coolest dude, like, ever - basically knows everything and hates medicine. like me, except for the knows everything part. he's actually thinking about going into anesthesia once he finishes his residency this year. we may end up as CA-1s in the same program, how cuuute.

  • spending as much time in the city as i can when i have free time, which at best translates to about 1.5 days per week, at worst, about one afternoon. done quite a bit of shopping. all of a sudden i have a craving for denim. and shoes, but thats not really a new thing.

  • the grilled chicken and the turkey burger are really the best things to get in the cafeteria. the best value is whatever the hot entree is, which can be fairly good (the paella) to nauseatingly terrible (vegetable lo mein). the lunchlady (dinnerlady, whatever) already knows me and piles on like 2 pounds of food onto my styrofoam tray thing when she sees me, because i gotta "thicken up" a lil bit.

  • i think i'm losing weight.

  • also its nice to stockpile the little bags of chips and yogurts and such and save them for later. that's a nice "perk."

  • project runway just started last week. i found two PGY-2's who are into the show. we have lively discussions about this.

  • i'm making friends in my intern class (awww). and i'm already deciding who i don't like. one intern basically talked shit about anesthesiology, so i was like "psssht whatever bitch please" and shit. and another one constantly gives me terrible signouts, and then constantly complains about how shitty other people sign out to her. oh and theres this guy who's a pretty good guy but his voice is uncomfortably loud and he sounds like his nose is congested all the time, he's the guy that you can't just say "how's it going" and keep walking - you ask him that, and he will give you a long answer. i've definitely had to do the walk away backwards, slowly, thing with him.

  • it is painfully hot up in the bx, but my apartment is nice because i have central air. however, the hospital does not. sucks dick.

  • matt and tamar came up to the bx the other day. we explored the neighborhood, that took like 20 minutes. then we ate at a weird kinda-nice, kinda-not place called caridad, which served us fried chicken chunks and rice and beans and an avocado salad and a cuban sandwich and we only got charged for like half of it and nobody else in the restaurant was korean or jewish or you know. it was pretty good though. bit of a weird vibe.

  • not having a microwave means that when you put your leftover chinese food in the fridge, the next morning it will not taste very good. sooo i need a microwave.

  • i am afraid to start my ICU rotation in september.

  • you know what i can't figure out? how to deposit a check into a chase atm. i have like 4 i need to deposit. one of them is from may. i mean cripes.

  • i subscribed to the new yorker. and also new york magazine. we'll see how much i read.

  • crap! reading! i'm supposed to read this article about pneumonia for journal club tomorrow. snoooooooozzee

  • ice cream is soooo good

  • the WWB turns 5 years old this year. i turn 27. i think i told someone i'm 27 the other day. i forgot how old i was. intern year make-a me stupid.

  • i'm on call tomorrow.

  • this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 6:33 PM |

    « back to the crib | Ok. It works. Spending plenty » //-->

    hey u ! u'll live just stot being so spoilt, it will pass u just gotta stay in one shape , think that u have a target u wanna get and aim for it ..............
    good luck champ!!!!

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 19 July, 2006 09:33 [*]  


    hey u ! u'll live just stot being so spoilt, it will pass u just gotta stay in one shape , think that u have a target u wanna get and aim for it ..............
    good luck champ!!!!

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 19 July, 2006 09:35 [*]  


    pr looks promising this year, with a nice mix of talent and insanity.

    i think that dude's accent is fake.

    i bashed anesthesia. badly. do you hate me?

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 19 July, 2006 14:16 [*]  


    which dude? that malan guy? not a fan of that dude. is he a dude?

    when/where did you bash anesthesia? whatever. everybody that isn't going into that field bashes it. unless they're in my intern class.

    who is this sarcastic person and what makes them think i won't stay in one shape? am i really being spoilt?

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 19 July, 2006 21:10 [*]  


    You're DEFINITELY spoilted. YOU got to work 100 hours this week, and I don't even know if *I* got to be AWAKE that long.

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 20 July, 2006 04:16 [*]  


    i guess we'll never know re:malan's accent.

    i was just remembering how i told you that anesthesiologists had the highest suicide rates and how boring i thought it would be. funny how now i think it sounds like a sweet gig.


    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 20 July, 2006 17:29 [*]  


    nothing like high suicide rates and boredom, mm mm mm

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 20 July, 2006 18:27 [*]  


    Dude, I also forgot my age the other day and said 27, except I said it like "Uh, I dunno, 27" and got a really weird look. Then I had to actually think about the year I was born in and what year it is now to figure it out. I guess it stops mattering after a certain point.

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 20 July, 2006 18:57 [*]  



    I also want a pony.

    dropped by Anonymous Anonymous on 22 July, 2006 08:52 [*]  


    drop some science:

    who dis be like
    where you from   nerds: <a>, <b>, <i>


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