deep within the bowels of the bronx
the life and times of ohiosnap

13 February 2005

all asians love new order

yes, that's the album art. purportedly. i dragged that ugly behemoth off the official new order site, so it MUST BE TRUE. i've listened to it about 3 or 4 times already. it's growing on me. although i bet if i listened to a fucking toby keith album 3 or 4 times it would grow on me (but hopefully not, for the sake of my oh-so-fragile-credibility). kind of like how if i rolled around in mildew 3 or 4 times, it would grow on me.

ok, that's just gross, and totally missing the point. the new new order album is NOT mildew. definitely not toby keith (which would you rather roll around with? i'm leaning towards mildew). it's pretty okay good sometimes. i like the single "krafty" enough. some of the more introspective stuff reminds me of their older late-80s sound. i think the opening half of the album is strong. and they have big triumphant choruses which would be reminiscent of U2 if it weren't for the fact that bernard sumner doesn't sound nearly as preoccupied with rescuing the human race from eternal damnation as bono is. sumner's got that slightly detached, "i think you might have broken my heart but i bet you weren't even worth it anyway" tone to his voice, which i've always enjoyed. he makes a melancholic song sound so apathetic. can there be anything more hipster?

caveat: there is some weird reggae-ish (reggae in the sense that UB40 was reggae) track in the middle of the album, track 5 or something (i have not the tracklist). kind of a curveball, that one.

comment on the title: it's true. it's been tested on several levels and it's always held water. i know people who wish they were asian because they love new order so much. the connection? haven't a clue. although asians also love erasure a lot. like, A LOT.*

*this is excluding the subset of never-will-i-understand 2 fast 2 fobby azn thugs who only listen to the first wu-tang album and drag race their souped-up spoilered-out (ugly-as-hell) honda mitsubishi civic eclipses down not-quite-deserted streets.

this educational lesson brought to you by dr. j around 11:16 AM |

« back to the crib | right out from underneath me » //-->

Dude, remember when I discovered that I too love Earsure???

' Looking at the staaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssss'

Actually I can't for the life of me recall the lyrics to that one song I sany in your car...

dropped by Blogger ye ole vinegar soaked manacles of doom! on 14 February, 2005 04:52 [*]  


from erasure "star"

We go waiting for the stars
To come showering down
From Moscow to Mars
Universe falling down

dropped by Blogger dr. j on 14 February, 2005 09:13 [*]  


i love new order. does that make me asian?

dropped by Blogger nat the brat on 14 February, 2005 17:15 [*]  


nat, i've bestowed honorary asian status once, and only once, and that was to my old roommate rob who allowed me to drape a south korean flag on the ceiling over his bed for an entire year without complaint. i promised him honorary status if he'd let me do that.

so... get a flag, we'll talk.

dropped by Blogger dr. j on 14 February, 2005 18:56 [*]  


Dude, why can't I have honoary status? I love New Order and Erasure??

I know Trina declared you the Asian Ubaghs...that has to mean something...

dropped by Blogger ye ole vinegar soaked manacles of doom! on 15 February, 2005 07:55 [*]  


ok chas, you get honorary status because you can speak a handful of phrases in the mother tongue. and you do love erasure, DON"T YOU

dropped by Blogger dr. j on 16 February, 2005 19:53 [*]  


drop some science:

who dis be like
where you from   nerds: <a>, <b>, <i>


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